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Witherley Church of England Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information

A commitment to being Inclusive


Witherley Primary school is a welcoming and inclusive school.  Our aim for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, for all children to be able to fully participate in and to have the highest quality of education.  We understand the importance of building a full and comprehensive picture of the whole child so we do understand that adjustments and personalisation of provision is important.

The family and the child at the heart of the SEND process


At Witherley we have a genuine culture of school, family, community and services working together. We aim to involve parents as much as possible and provide support, advice and access to a range of different services.  This approach, of a partnership, is appreciated by our parents.

It is important for us that the children and their families are as actively involved in all aspects of our school as it is possible.  We value the family and child's involvement in setting and reviewing targets, expressing opinions and being involved in making choices. 

Further Information


Our school SENDCo is Mrs Andrea Hodgson.  She can be contacted through the school office on telephone number: 01827 712198 or by email: . Mrs Hodgson is also the school reception teacher and is in school Monday to Friday.

Local Authority Local Offer 

Admissions Procedure

At Witherley the admissions arrangements for children with special educational needs or disabilities follow our admissions policy which you can find in the policy section of our website. If a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the school SENDCo will meet with the family prior to starting at our school.

Accessbility Plan

At Witherley we have an accessibility plan that outlines the extent that a pupil with a disability can access our site and participate fully in the school. To see the plan please click the link below.

Avoiding discrimination

At Witherley we have a clear understanding of our duty to avoid discrimination and to ensure equality of access for children with special educational needs or disabilities. However due to a sloping site, some areas of school are not easy to access for children and adults with physical disabilities. Access is available to most classrooms and there are disabled toilets in two buildings. We are an inclusive school and we employ our best endeavours and make reasonable adjustments to ensure an individual’s needs are met.

Complaints procedures

We do understand that there can be increased anxieties for families around supporting pupils with additional needs. However, we also recognise how important it is that every decision being made is always in the best interest of the individual child. We aim to resolve any difficulties in a respectful, fair and transparent way. More detailed  information can also be found in our complaints policy found in the policy section of this website.   

SEND Policy - Please click the link below for our SEND policy.