Collective Worship
Worship in Our School
As a Church of England School, our daily act of Collective Worship is a special time that brings us all together. It is led by teachers, children and visitors.
At the beginning of an act of worship, one of the Collective Worship Monitors opens the worship and lights a candle as we make reference to the holy trinity. They close the worship at the end by sharing some sending words that we all take part in.
We really enjoy welcoming people from the wider school community to join in our worship as this helps to enhance Collective Worship for both children and staff alike. This includes visits from Reverend Patty, who comes to lead our worship every half term, and monthly visits from the Open the Book team who share Bible stories with us in a fun, interactive and memorable way. We also worship at St Peter's Church to mark those special events and occasions in the Christian calendar.
The children are encouraged to prepare and lead worship based on one of our themes. These opportunities allow them to gain valuable experience and extend their ability to think and reflect on a wide range of local, national and global issues. Each year, every class prepares and shares an act of worship with the rest of the school and we invite parents along to take part and get involved.
Regardless of how each form of Collective Worship is conducted, the children are encouraged to think, ask questions and share their views about the world around them.
Monday | Whole School Worship is led by Mrs. Middleton and is based on our core values and/or a themed Bible story.
Tuesday | Singing Worship is led by school staff.
Wednesday | Collective Worship is led by Mrs Renouf, who shares Bible stories through the animated ‘Friends and Heroes’ series.
Thursday | Visits from Reverend Patty or Open the Book usually take place on Thursdays. When we don’t have visitors to lead worship, it is led by Mrs Gillies who explores stories from around the world or current affairs.
Friday | Celebration Worship led by Mrs Middleton. An opportunity for the whole school to come together to celebrate our achievements in and out of school.
Worship at St Peter's Church, Witherley
The school is closely linked with St Peter's Church in Witherley which is part of the Fenn Lanes Benefice. We have very close links with the Church and are very lucky to take part in services to celebrate Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Ascension Day, to name just a few! Our important end of year Leaver's Service also takes place at St Peter's.
The school is located directly next to the church which also makes it very easy for us to use it as a valuable teaching resource as part of the wider school curriculum.

Worship Areas Around our School

Collective Worship Policy