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Witherley Church of England Primary School



The School Governors

31st October 2024

Mr M Essex - Co-Opted Governor CHAIR

Mr Mark Weaver - Co-Opted Governor 

Mrs C Rothen - Co-Opted Governor Vice Chair

Mr R Boland - Co-Opted Governor
Mrs D Middleton - Headteacher

Mrs A Hodgson -  Staff Governor

Mr P Salmon - Foundation Governor
VACANCY - Foundation Governor

Mrs B Dyde -  Parent Governor

VACANCY - Parent Governor


Miss Rachel Bunney - Clerk to Governors

The Role of The Governing Body


What do Governor's do?

  • Appoint, support and hold the Headteacher to account
  • Act as a critical friend of the school offering advice and support
  • Set the school’s aims and objectives around how the school will develop and improve and set the overall strategic direction
  • Developing and reviewing policies
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a school and its curriculum


Who can be a Governor?

  • Parents - elected by fellow parents with children at the school
  • Members of staff - elected by school staff
  • Appointees of Leicestershire County Council
  • Appointees of the Church of England
  • Co-opted governors - appointed by the governing body for their particular skill set

Once appointed, all governors have the same rights, powers and responsibilities.


Why be a Governor?

  • The opportunity to develop and hone skills such as negotiation, influencing and teamwork.
  • Improve your business and leadership skills,
  • Give back to society and enhance children’s futures

Sub Committees

Finance & Personnel

Mark Essex - Chair

key responsibilities:

  • Working with the Headteacher, draft, agree and monitor the school budget each financial year.
  • Establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan. 
  • Ensure budgets and plans are set appropriately and responsibly to enable the school to deliver against strategic priorities and its purpose within its means, ensuring pupil and staff welfare are prioritised.
  • Manage and monitor financial systems and processes and submit an annual Schools financial value standard (SFVS) and assurance statement.
  • Review relevant policies including remissions and expenses policy.
  • Determine staffing levels and management structure, overseeing the appointment of all staff.
  • Provide support, guidance and accountability for the Headteacher on all personnel matters.
  • To support strategic planning for internal promotions and permanent staffing posts.
  • Ensure policies are in place for staff discipline, grievance, capability and well-being, including the monitoring of absence.
  • Review the Performance Management Policy and its implementation in line with DfE and local authority regulations and guidelines and report back to the Governing Body.
  • Ensure that DBS and relevant police checks are completed satisfactorily.


Health & Safety

Mark Weaver - Chair


Curriculum & SEND



Rebecca Dyde - Chair
