Please note that the PSHE/RSE Policies are currently under review and the new ones will be uploaded as soon as they have been approved.
PSHE/RSE teaches us how to make informed choices and be enterprising and ambitious. Through PSHE/RSE education, we focus on achieving our potential by supporting our wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect our ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. In PSHE/RSE, we learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela.
At Witherley CE Primary School, good relationships are fundamental to our ethos and our success in being a happy, caring and safe school. We aim for the children in our school to acquire the appropriate knowledge, develop their skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. PHSE/RSE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of young people.
- PSHE/RSE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
- PSHE/RSE education is a vital part of pupils’ preparation for life and lessons offer a safe space to explore more complex issues.
- Through PSHE/RSE education, pupils are better prepared to navigate, participate and stay safe in this world.
- Through PSHE/RSE education, pupils learn about boundaries, including understanding boundaries in friendships with peers and also in families and with others, in a range of contexts, including online.
- PSHE/RSE education helps children achieve their full potential by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.
When is PSHE taught?
PSHE is taught weekly using the Dimension: Learning Means the World 3D PHSE curriculum.
How is PSHE taught?
PSHE is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and skill building. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.
What do we learn in PSHE?
We learn about:-
Physical, emotional and mental health
Healthy lifestyles
Hygiene Nutrition and food
Changing and growing
Keeping Safe
First Aid
Similarities and differences
Healthy relationships
Family and friends
Rules and responsibilities
Money and finance
By the time our children leave our school they will:
- be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
- be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society
- appreciate difference and diversity
- recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty
- be able to understand and manage their emotions
- be able to look after their mental health and well-being
- be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
- understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level
- have respect for themselves and others.
- have a positive self esteem