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Witherley Church of England Primary School


Pathfinders Home Learning


  • If you child is able to/well enough reading should continue to happen 3 times a week (minimum).
  • You can read books that you have at home or the online ebooks from Bug Club Phonics.
  • Books linked to children's phonics phase will be uploaded directly to children's Bug Club Phonics accounts.
  • Children can read these or listen to the book independently. 
  • Remember to recap the key sounds in the book at the start and the answer the comprehension questions at the end.
  • There are also phonics games and activities to complete on Bug Club Phonics too.
  • Children have their Bug Club Phonics login on the inside of their reading diary.  

English and Maths:


Below are a selection of English and Maths workbooks for your child to complete if they are well enough. 

Complete what is manageable for you. There is no pressure!

Spelling and Mental Maths:

  • Continue to practice your weekly spellings and mental maths tests.
  • You could also practice the mental maths activities on NumBots or Time Table Rockstars.
  • Children's login details for NumBots and TTRS are the same and can be found on the inside of your child's reading diary. 

Wider Curriculum:


Please complete any of the my choice homework activities that you haven't yet done. This will link in to our afternoon sessions with the topic Happily Ever After.
