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Witherley Church of England Primary School



"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." Albert Einstein


"Mistakes allow thinking to happen." 


At Witherley CE Primary School pupil will:

  • Be able to calculate accurately and confidently using the four operations.
  • Have quick recall of times tables facts and key age related facts to enable fluency in Mathematics.
  • Be able to derive answers from knowledge held in their long-term memory.
  • Be able to reason in Mathematics, using a range of precise mathematical vocabulary, including well-structured stem sentences.
  • Be able to represent their thinking through the use of models, images and concrete apparatus.
  • Be able to problem solve, using a range of strategies, including bar modelling and choosing the most efficient methods.
  • Show resilience when tackling a difficult problem and be able to describe the small steps to achieve a solution.
  • Be confident in the topics taught within the National Curriculum showing age appropriate fluency, knowledge and skills to reason and problem solve in a variety of contexts.


What does our Mathematics Curriculum look like?

  • Basic Maths skills are taught/recapped daily. Focusing on key mathematical skills including place value, the four operations and fractions.
  • A range of reasoning resources are used to challenge all children and give them the opportunity to reason with their understanding.
  • Maths meeting and immediate interventions are used to support children to ensure children are ready for their next Maths lesson.
  • Children are taught through targeted differentiated small group and mixed ability whole class lessons.
  • Lessons use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to guide children through their understanding of mathematical processes. 
  • Revise and Review consolidation lessons are used to revisit previous learning and ensure Maths skills are embedded.
  • Links are made with other subjects across the Dimensions ‘Learning Means the World’ Curriculum.


As a result of our Maths teaching at Witherley you will see:

  • Engaged children who are all challenged.
  • Confident children who can all talk about Maths and their learning and the links between Mathematical topics.
  • Lessons that use a variety of resources to support learning.
  • Different representations of mathematical concepts.
  • Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.

What do we think of Maths at Witherley?


"I really enjoy Maths, as I find it very challenging and it can help with everyday life." Ed year 6 


"In Maths, some of my favourite things are column addition, adding fractions and multiplying a 4 digit by a 2 digit number," Mimi year 6


"Maths is fun and hard at the same time," child year 4 


"I know I am getting better at Maths by getting answer wrong and then fixing them," Walter Year 3

How is Mathematics celebrated?
At Witherley Primary School, we believe that Maths should be celebrated. Pupils are given positive reinforcement and praise for their efforts. As part of our weekly 'Celebration Assemblies', children are presented Mental Maths Certificates and are rewarded for their efforts in Maths by earning ‘Mathematician of the Week’ and receiving a special pencil. Maths is also celebrated in classrooms where good examples of children's writing is displayed on the Maths Working Wall. Children can also receive 'Class Dojo's' for their maths (this incentive is in-line with the school's behaviour policy).

Maths Events
