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Witherley Church of England Primary School


Adventurers Home Learning


Welcome to the Home Learning section for Adventurers Class!  If your child is well enough, please encourage them to complete what is manageable for them whilst they are at home. 



Continue to read your home reading book at least three times each week.  You could also read any of your favourite books from home, as well as anything else that you enjoy – comics, magazines or newspapers for example.


Spellings and Mental Maths

  • Continue to practice your weekly spellings and mental maths tests.
  • You could also practice your times tables on Time Table Rockstars.
  • Children's login details for TTRS can be found in the homework folder sent home at the beginning of the school year.


English and Maths

Below is a selection of English and Maths workbooks for your child to complete so please choose the year group that best fits their ability.  Answers can be found at the back of each booklet!

If you would like a printed copy, please contact the office or message us via Class Dojo and we can arrange a convenient time for you to collect one from school.


Wider Curriculum

Complete as many additional activities from our topic-based homework sheet as you like!  These reflect our current topic curriculum at school called 'Rocky the Findosaur'.
