School Money Online payment system
Dear Parents,
Witherley Primary School is delighted to let you know that parents can make payments online for school activities such as school dinners, school trips, swimming lessons and Breakfast/Afterschool Club. facility allows for both parties to experience a more streamlined, cost-effective and efficient payment collection system in as secure and safe environment.
We would ask all parents to notify us if you have recently changed your mobile number and/or email address.
We will send you a text message to start the process. This will contain details of the web address and password you will need to log on to the system.
To Log in:
- Go to
- This will bring up log in page – CLICK on Login and choose Parent Login
- Input your mobile number: 07………
Email: ( input a valid email address)
Password: this will have been text to you and can be changed
- Press log in and it will take you to a page that asks for your child’s first name. Please input their first name only.
- Once you have logged in to your account, you will then be able to make payments for your child. Any payments due will show up on the left hand side of the screen. Any top ups will show on the right hand side of the screen. You can amend the amount of top up if you would like to pay for weeks in advance.
- A confirmation pop up will appear once you have selected pay now so that you know the details have been processed and you will receive an email shortly afterwards.
- There is a tab marked History which gives you an overview of your child’s history on the School Money system.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Paula Short
Office Manager