Design and Technology
Design and technology is taught through thematic units. The attached overview (Appendix 1) maps out which thematic units feature this subject and the Long-Term Plans (LTP) clearly show the objectives taught.
At Witherley we teach design and technology through a combination of subject knowledge, skill building
and design and make projects. Food technology is also taught through thematic units and our 3D PSHE programme. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.
In the design and technology curriculum we learn about mechanisms, sliders, levers, structures, textiles, food technology and electronics.
We also complete design technology projects in each phase for specified clients e.g. the pirate, the evil genius, allowing pupils the opportunity to both experiment and apply their knowledge and skills.
At Witherley through our design and technology curriculum the children develop knowledge of how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a good understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Our design and technology curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression and we use a range of strategies to assess the skills and knowledge the children have attained each term.
Design and Technology in Adventurers (Year 3/4)
Design and Technology in Pathfinders (Year 1/2)
Making fairy bags
We’ve designed our lovely embroidered bags made for our little fairies.
Following our designs we learned how to stitch the pattern on to the binka. We used simple running stick to create our designs.
after we had completed the designs we created our little bags.
From design to the finished article.
Design and Technology in Explorers
In Explorers we are developing our design and technology through expressive arts and physical development.
We love to create with different materials, experimenting with design, colour etc using different materials. We talk about what we’ve made, return to our ideas to develop them further and share ideas together.
We are developing our core strength and also our fine motor skills through using tools such as cutlery, paintbrushes, pens and scissors.
Planning and making a den in Forest School

Exploring using tools