We don't hold open days however Mrs Middleton would love to show you round the school - please contact the school office for a visit!
For 2025/2026 pupils will be admitted to Reception (Explorers) with a cohort size set for 15 children. Admissions into Years 1-6 are set at 15 for each year group but are in classes of 2 year groups with a maximum size of 30 children in each class - Year 1 & 2 (Pathfinders), Year 3 & 4 (Adventurers) and Year 5 & 6 (Navigators).
All admission applications including in-year applications should be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website
(home Local Authority website if not within Leicestershire)
Contact by Phone: 01163056684 Email:
Appeals for a Primary School place must be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website.
Admissions Policy - LCC 2023-2024
Admissions Policy - LCC 2024-2025
Appeal for a Primary School place link - LCC
Admissions Policy - LCC 2025-2026 - Please use the link below to view the Leicestershire County Council Admissions Policy: